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How You Can Really Make the Most of Your Solar Panel Installation


If you have been thinking of installing solar panels on your property, you may have already done some research on how they work and what the benefits are. You may even have a good idea of how much a system can cost, which is definitely important. But there are other factors you may have to consider, especially since solar panel installations can be a hefty investment, and you need to be sure that your investment will pay for itself over time. You also need to ensure that you can maximise your investment, and fortunately, there are specific ways to do so. Do you want to know how you can make the most of your panel installation? Let’s find out.

Decrease your use of electricity

This may be obvious, but it’s still one of the most effective means of making the most of your installation. When you decrease your use of energy or electricity, you can acquire more savings on your electricity bill. While you don’t have to deprive yourself of electricity, you can limit consumption by turning off various devices and even unplugging them when they are not being used. Avoid putting devices on standby, because they are still consuming electricity then.

Utilise more energy during the daytime

Another way you can maximise your installation is to utilise more energy when it’s daytime. Your system will be entirely active during the day, and it would be a good idea to consider reorganising certain chores and activities, such as dishwashing, ironing, and washing. If you are at home during the daytime, this would be easier, but if you are not home during the daytime you can simply set up a timer for your washing machine and dishwasher, and consider ironing during the weekend.

Invest in proper insulation for your home

You can also invest in proper insulation, which means setting up the right insulation for areas such as your loft or roof, as the experts in roof solar panels from Atlantic Renewables suggest. You can even add more insulation to your solid wall or cavity wall. Aside from this, you can avoid draughts by proofing your windows and doors. With a well-insulated home or property, you can be more energy-efficient and don’t have to spend too much on your electric bills.

Make use of other renewable energy systems

There are other renewable energy systems that are now readily available, and if you really want to maximise your installation, you can combine it with these other systems. For instance, you can install heat pumps and wind turbines, and you can also make use of solar thermal systems. These renewable technologies will undoubtedly work very well together, as your solar panel installation can also be set up so it can help with powering a heat pump. The systems can also be fed into a thermal store, which makes for better efficiency as well.

Set up a PV diverter

Another way to optimise your use of your solar installation is to set up a PV diverter, which can help your PV installation power your hot water tank’s immersion heater. With this, however, you would need a hot water cylinder, but it’s often a great and inexpensive way to fully utilise your solar energy.

Image attributed to Pixabay.com

Oris Price
the authorOris Price